How Housing Stock Composition and Sales Trends Influence Prices

June 5, 2024
min read
How Housing Stock Composition and Sales Trends Influence Prices

How Housing Stock Composition and Sales Trends Influence Prices

  • This report analyzes the property mix and price per square foot (PPSQF) trends across major U.S. markets, including Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Brooklyn, Chicago, D.C., Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Miami Beach, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, and USA. It provides insights into existing housing stock, sales dynamics by property type, and their impact on prices using real-time data from the Parcl Labs API.
  • The composition of housing stock varies across markets. For example, Miami Beach (78.85% condos) and Brooklyn (64.69% other property types) differ from Atlanta (40.40% single-family homes) and Los Angeles (49.72% single-family homes).
  • The mix of existing stock and property types sold affects market prices. High condo concentrations in Miami Beach and Brooklyn lead to lower single-family home sales percentages, whereas a balanced mix in Atlanta supports more stable single-family home sales. This distribution directly impacts how price and sales trends develop within each market.
  • Understanding which property types drive sales and influence price dynamics is essential for analyzing PPSQF trends. The Parcl Labs API tracks these dynamics in real-time, offering precise insights into existing supply, the types of properties being sold, and their impact on prices. Get started for free today.


Atlanta's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

Atlanta's housing stock is balanced between single-family homes (40.40%) and condos (44.27%), with smaller proportions of townhouses and other properties. Single-family homes account for 50.13% of current sales, but their sales percentage has decreased by 9.77% over the past six months and by 22.82% since 2019. Despite this, the price per square foot (PPSQF) has increased by 55.98% since 2019. Over the last 30 days, PPSQF increased by 0.52% while single-family home sales decreased by 2.63%. Year-over-year, PPSQF rose by 6.85% despite a 16.71% drop in single-family home sales.

Atlanta City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 40.40%
  • Condo: 44.27%
  • Townhouse: 5.19%
  • Other: 10.14%

Atlanta City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 50.13%
  • % Change (6 mo): -9.77% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): 1.03% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (Since '19): -22.82% πŸ“‰

Atlanta City Sales Volume vs. Price Changes

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: 0.52% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -2.63% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 4.85% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 3.13% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 6.85% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -16.71% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 55.98% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -41.92% πŸ“‰

Boston's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

Boston's housing stock is predominantly composed of condos (62.95%), with single-family homes representing only 11.70%. Currently, single-family homes account for 17.39% of sales, a figure that has decreased by 16.02% over the past six months and by 22.33% since 2019, but increased by 3.57% year-over-year. The PPSQF has experienced a 24.67% increase since 2019, despite a recent 1.44% decrease over the past 30 days. Over the same 30-day period, single-family home sales increased by 3.87%, though they have decreased by 6.47% year-over-year.

Boston City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 11.70%
  • Condo: 62.95%
  • Townhouse: 1.76%
  • Other: 23.59%

Boston City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 17.39%
  • % Change (6 mo): -16.02% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): 3.57% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (Since '19): -22.33% πŸ“‰

Boston City Sales Volume vs. Price Changes

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: -1.44% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: 3.87% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 13.56% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -2.59% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: -6.02% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: -6.47% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 24.67% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 16.77% πŸ“ˆ

Chicago's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

Chicago's housing stock consists primarily of condos (41.51%) and single-family homes (28.13%), with other property types making up the remaining portion. Single-family homes currently account for 30.47% of sales, which has decreased by 12.89% over the past six months and by 15.69% since 2019, while showing a 4.69% decline year-over-year. The PPSQF has increased significantly by 62.19% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF rose by 3.68%, and single-family home sales increased by 5.32%. However, year-over-year, while PPSQF grew by 9.87%, single-family home sales dropped by 15.57%.

Chicago City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 28.13%
  • Condo: 41.51%
  • Townhouse: 2.50%
  • Other: 27.87%

Chicago City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 30.47%
  • % Change (6 mo): -12.89% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): -4.69% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19): -15.69% πŸ“‰

Chicago City Sales Volume vs. Price Changes

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: 3.68% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 5.32% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 16.81% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 7.46% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 9.87% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -15.57% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 62.19% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 26.77% πŸ“ˆ

Austin's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

Austin's housing stock is predominantly composed of single-family homes (46.17%) and condos (37.59%), with smaller proportions of townhouses and other property types. Single-family homes currently account for 72.50% of sales, which has decreased by 5.36% over the past six months and by 5.97% year-over-year, but has increased by 13.60% since 2019. The price per square foot (PPSQF) has increased by 54.28% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF decreased by 1.72%, while single-family home sales dropped significantly by 23.59%. Year-over-year, PPSQF rose slightly by 0.74%, but single-family home sales declined sharply by 46.01%.

Austin City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 46.17%
  • Condo: 37.59%
  • Townhouse: 5.21%
  • Other: 11.02%

Austin City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 72.50%
  • % Change (6 mo): -5.36% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): -5.97% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19): 13.60% πŸ“ˆ

Austin City Sales Volume vs. Price Changes

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: -1.72% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: -23.59% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 4.20% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -19.12% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 0.74% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -46.01% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 54.28% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -34.23% πŸ“‰

Miami Beach's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

Miami Beach's housing stock is heavily skewed towards condos, which make up 78.85% of the market, while single-family homes represent only 7.78%. Currently, single-family homes account for 5.12% of sales, which has decreased by 56.59% over the past six months and by 47.48% since 2019, along with a 38.00% year-over-year decline. The PPSQF has increased by 57.38% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF rose by 11.06%, while single-family home sales dropped significantly by 48.28%. Year-over-year, PPSQF grew by 9.73%, but single-family home sales fell by 66.67%.

Miami Beach City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 7.78%
  • Condo: 78.85%
  • Townhouse: 1.31%
  • Other: 12.06%

Miami Beach City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 5.12%
  • % Change (6 mo): -56.59% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): -38.00% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19): -47.48% πŸ“‰

Miami Beach City Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: 11.06% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -48.28% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 9.61% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -68.75% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 9.73% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -66.67% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 57.38% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -51.61% πŸ“‰

Las Vegas's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

Las Vegas's housing stock is predominantly composed of single-family homes (68.85%), with condos and townhouses making up smaller portions. Single-family homes currently account for 72.14% of sales, which has increased by 7.60% over the past six months but decreased by 8.54% since 2019 and by 1.39% year-over-year. The PPSQF has increased by 56.14% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF rose by 0.83%, and single-family home sales increased significantly by 20.10%. However, year-over-year, while PPSQF grew by 7.25%, single-family home sales dropped by 6.68%.

Las Vegas City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 68.85%
  • Condo: 18.68%
  • Townhouse: 5.36%
  • Other: 7.11%

Las Vegas City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 72.14%
  • % Change (6 mo): 7.60% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY): -1.39% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19): -8.54% πŸ“‰

Las Vegas City Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: 0.83% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 20.10% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 3.37% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 54.84% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 7.25% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -6.68% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 56.14% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 12.41% πŸ“ˆ

D.C.'s Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

D.C.'s housing stock is mainly composed of condos (48.56%), with single-family homes representing 17.64% and townhouses at 16.98%. Single-family homes currently account for 22.85% of sales, which has increased by 6.72% over the past six months and by 7.26% year-over-year, but decreased by 8.36% since 2019. The PPSQF has increased by 9.83% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF rose by 2.03%, and single-family home sales increased by 9.02%. However, year-over-year, while PPSQF declined by 1.50%, single-family home sales fell by 10.44%.

D.C. Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 17.64%
  • Condo: 48.56%
  • Townhouse: 16.98%
  • Other: 16.83%

D.C. SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 22.85%
  • % Change (6 mo): 6.72% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY): 7.26% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (Since '19): -8.36% πŸ“‰

D.C. Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: 2.03% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 9.02% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 0.97% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 37.11% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: -1.50% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: -10.44% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 9.83% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -9.52% πŸ“‰

Brooklyn's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

Brooklyn's housing stock is predominantly composed of other property types (64.69%), with single-family homes representing 12.54% and condos at 20.93%. Single-family homes currently account for 18.41% of sales, which has decreased by 6.87% over the past six months but increased by 9.37% year-over-year, and has remained relatively stable since 2019 with a slight decline of 0.14%. The PPSQF has increased by 16.80% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF rose by 3.64%, while single-family home sales decreased by 2.01%. Year-over-year, PPSQF grew by 4.97%, and single-family home sales increased by 2.10%.

Brooklyn, NY Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 12.54%
  • Condo: 20.93%
  • Townhouse: 1.84%
  • Other: 64.69%

Brooklyn, NY SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 18.41%
  • % Change (6 mo): -6.87% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): 9.37% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (Since '19): -0.14% πŸ“‰

Brooklyn, NY Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: 3.64% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -2.01% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 1.89% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -5.19% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 4.97% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 2.10% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 16.80% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 0.69% πŸ“ˆ

NYC's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

NYC's housing stock is largely composed of other property types (58.80%), with single-family homes representing 16.89% and condos at 22.01%. Single-family homes currently account for 29.16% of sales, which has decreased by 10.73% over the past six months, by 4.59% year-over-year, and by 5.23% since 2019. The PPSQF has increased by 20.90% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF rose by 1.40%, and single-family home sales increased by 8.62%. Year-over-year, while PPSQF slightly declined by 0.16%, single-family home sales fell by 14.43%.

NYC Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 16.89%
  • Condo: 22.01%
  • Townhouse: 2.29%
  • Other: 58.80%

NYC SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 29.16%
  • % Change (6 mo): -10.73% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): -4.59% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19): -5.23% πŸ“‰

NYC Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: 1.40% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 8.62% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 1.13% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -9.22% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: -0.16% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: -14.43% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 20.90% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -2.52% πŸ“‰

Los Angeles's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

Los Angeles's housing stock is primarily composed of single-family homes (49.72%) and condos (29.20%), with other property types making up the remainder. Single-family homes currently account for 62.39% of sales, which has decreased by 3.08% over the past six months and by 1.28% year-over-year, but has increased by 5.98% since 2019. The PPSQF has increased by 45.57% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF slightly decreased by 0.03%, while single-family home sales increased by 16.67%. Year-over-year, PPSQF grew by 7.90%, and single-family home sales increased by 5.76%.

Los Angeles City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 49.72%
  • Condo: 29.20%
  • Townhouse: 0.77%
  • Other: 20.31%

Los Angeles City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 62.39%
  • % Change (6 mo): -3.08% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): -1.28% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19): 5.98% πŸ“ˆ

Los Angeles City Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: -0.03% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: 16.67% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 0.06% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 26.11% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 7.90% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 5.76% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 45.57% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 9.77% πŸ“ˆ

USA's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

The housing stock in the USA is predominantly composed of single-family homes (65.58%), with condos (12.49%) and other property types making up the remainder. Single-family homes currently account for 66.79% of sales, which has decreased by 4.81% over the past six months, by 6.73% year-over-year, and by 12.89% since 2019. The PPSQF has increased by 58.67% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF rose by 1.27%, while single-family home sales decreased by 4.53%. Year-over-year, PPSQF grew by 7.74%, but single-family home sales dropped significantly by 29.56%.

USA Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 65.58%
  • Condo: 12.49%
  • Townhouse: 2.69%
  • Other: 19.24%

USA SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 66.79%
  • % Change (6 mo): -4.81% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): -6.73% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19): -12.89% πŸ“‰

USA Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: 1.27% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -4.53% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 6.34% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -8.08% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 7.74% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -29.56% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 58.67% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -17.06% πŸ“‰

San Francisco's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

San Francisco's housing stock is equally divided between single-family homes (38.69%) and condos (38.41%), with a smaller portion consisting of other property types. Single-family homes currently account for 43.82% of sales, which has decreased by 2.08% over the past six months and by 8.34% since 2019, but has remained stable year-over-year with a slight increase of 0.23%. The PPSQF has decreased by 2.57% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF fell by 0.93%, while single-family home sales increased significantly by 34.42%. Year-over-year, PPSQF grew by 2.85%, and single-family home sales increased by 8.00%.

San Francisco City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 38.69%
  • Condo: 38.41%
  • Townhouse: 0.54%
  • Other: 22.36%

San Francisco City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 43.82%
  • % Change (6 mo): -2.08% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): 0.23% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (Since '19): -8.34% πŸ“‰

San Francisco City Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: -0.93% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: 34.42% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 3.31% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 22.24% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 2.85% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 8.00% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: -2.57% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: 9.14% πŸ“ˆ

Denver's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

Denver's housing stock is primarily composed of single-family homes (43.22%) and condos (38.20%), with townhouses and other property types making up the remainder. Single-family homes currently account for 55.82% of sales, which has increased by 4.73% over the past six months and by 3.35% year-over-year, but has decreased by 1.60% since 2019. The PPSQF has increased by 31.34% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF rose by 2.30%, while single-family home sales increased by 16.97%. Year-over-year, PPSQF decreased by 1.82%, and single-family home sales slightly decreased by 0.28%.

Denver City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 43.22%
  • Condo: 38.20%
  • Townhouse: 8.11%
  • Other: 10.46%

Denver City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 55.82%
  • % Change (6 mo): 4.73% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY): 3.35% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (Since '19): -1.60% πŸ“‰

Denver City Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: 2.30% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 16.97% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 3.73% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 44.49% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: -1.82% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: -0.28% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 31.34% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 20.79% πŸ“ˆ

San Diego's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

San Diego's housing stock is predominantly composed of single-family homes (50.13%) and condos (38.39%), with townhouses and other property types making up the remainder. Single-family homes currently account for 57.33% of sales, which has increased by 1.24% over the past six months and by 3.62% year-over-year, but has decreased by 1.47% since 2019. The PPSQF has increased by 67.37% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF slightly decreased by 0.09%, while single-family home sales increased by 4.97%. Year-over-year, PPSQF grew by 9.15%, while single-family home sales decreased by 1.55%.

San Diego City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 50.13%
  • Condo: 38.39%
  • Townhouse: 0.65%
  • Other: 10.83%

San Diego City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 57.33%
  • % Change (6 mo): 1.24% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY): 3.62% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (Since '19): -1.47% πŸ“‰

San Diego City Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: -0.09% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: 4.97% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 8.41% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: 14.85% πŸ“ˆ
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 9.15% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -1.55% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 67.37% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -2.06% πŸ“‰

Miami's Housing Stock and Its Impact on Prices

Miami's housing stock is primarily composed of condos (56.65%) and single-family homes (19.83%), with other property types making up the remainder. Single-family homes currently account for 22.33% of sales, which has decreased by 18.33% over the past six months, by 10.77% year-over-year, and by 22.08% since 2019. The PPSQF has increased by 77.13% since 2019. Over the past 30 days, PPSQF slightly decreased by 0.55%, while single-family home sales decreased significantly by 35.68%. Year-over-year, PPSQF grew by 2.53%, while single-family home sales dropped by 62.10%.

Miami City Current Housing Stock

  • Single Family: 19.83%
  • Condo: 56.65%
  • Townhouse: 2.32%
  • Other: 21.21%

Miami City SFH Sales vs. All Other Unit Sales

  • Current SFH Sale %: 22.33%
  • % Change (6 mo): -18.33% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY): -10.77% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19): -22.08% πŸ“‰

Miami City Sales Volume vs. PPSQF

  • % Change (30 Day)
    • PPSQF: -0.55% πŸ“‰
    • SFH Sales: -35.68% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (6 Mo)
    • PPSQF: 0.73% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -54.75% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (YoY)
    • PPSQF: 2.53% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -62.10% πŸ“‰
  • % Change (Since '19)
    • PPSQF: 77.13% πŸ“ˆ
    • SFH Sales: -52.21% πŸ“‰
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